Foxx Creek Lots for Sale

SaleLand 2.14 - 6.12 AC
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Foxx Creek Lots
Chatham, IL 62629
Price: $369,990 - $449,990
Lot Size (acre): 2.14 - 6.12 AC
Zoning: B-1 & B-2
Tax PIN: See Detailed Sheet
RE: $34.82 - $7,356.84

Property Description

Commercial lots available; Springfield’s most affluent suburb. Residential and commercial development is ongoing in the immediate area of the subject.

Area Description

These lots are west of Route 4 in Chatham’s highest vehicle and foot traffic area. They are located near the intersection of Route 4 and Independence Boulevard, south of the Route 4 and Plummer intersection. The Jason Place lots include Route 4 frontage in front of Foxx Creek Plaza. Traffic counts are strong, ranging from 14,900-17,400 vehicles per day. Retail and commercial neighbors include County Market, Dollar General, Walgreens, Goodwill, Snap Fitness, Pizza Hut, Casey’s, Arby’s, and AT&T. O’Rielly Auto Parts coming soon.
