Outlot for Sale/Lease/BTS
Property Description
Subject property is an outlot of Sunnycrest shopping center and adjacent to Walgreens and McDonalds on Philo Rd.. This .98 Acre site has 250′ of frontage with good ingress/egress on Philo Rd. and is ample size for a variety of uses. Subject property lies within the City of Urbana Enterprise Zone and is eligible for other city incentives (http://www.urbanaillinois.us/incentives). The B-3- General Business zoning allows for a wide range of uses. Ownership will consider a ground lease or build-to-suite option for this property in addition to selling it outright.
Location Description
Property is location in the heart of the Philo Road Business District, as an outlot of Sunnycrest. Property is surrounded by businesses, high density multi-family, and single family residences. The Philo Rd business district is southeast Urbana and is comprised of businesses such as: Walgreens, CVS, McDonalds, Burger King, Meijer, County Market, Family Video, Sprint, and many more.
Traffic Counts:
Philo: 9,500 VPD
Florida Ave.: 5,100 VPD